Friday, April 18, 2008

Alex is Famous, well sort of...

At work yesterday, a lady from the Arizona republic asked Alex what sprouts is doing for earth day.  His response can be seen here
I'm happy to say that i own 5 green bags, and use them quite regularly.  I even got back 20 cents today at Albertsons.  oh, yeah, totally worth it!!  I'm going to save up all that change and take that trip to Italy i was planning.  
well, jack almost rolled over yesterday.  i looked away for like 2 seconds and looked back and he was almost on his belly.   his chubby arm was in the way though, and he wasn't strong enough to pull it out from underneath.  when he finally does roll over, I'll get it on video for all to see.
Anny's field trip went well.  she said she fell asleep on the bus, and started to cry at lunch time cause she was tired.  she also almost had her first kiss!!!!! but decided against it.  good girl Anny!  if i ever see that little punk...
Here are some more cute pics of Jack.  Even when he's crying, which is hardly ever, he is still cute.

1 comment:

Shawn and Tasha said...

Looks at those gorgeous eyes! Wow Ashely, your kids are beautiful! I can't believe Anny almost had her first kiss! Ah! I just keep telling our kids they're not allowed to grow up. They have to stay my babies forever!:-)