Monday, June 30, 2008

No Pics Lately

Sorry, but i haven't been taking any pictures lately.  but i thought i would post something anyway, just so certain family members don't give me a bunch of crap.  
the other day we got our coldplay tickets in the mail.  i got them for Alex for father's day.  of course they are really bad seats so we will have to take binoculars.  
I've been in the process of getting registered for school this fall.  I'm going through Rio Salado for the rest of my credits.  i need the online classes cause i don't think my teachers would appreciate me breast feeding in class.  I'm having some holdups with my financial aid application.  Rio Salado sent me emails saying, you have to come take some dumb test because you don't have a high school diploma or a GED.  oh really, i wasn't aware of that.  how did i get funding in the past then?  so i don't know if I'm going to have to send them a copy of my diploma or if they can look it up somehow.  i never had to deal with so much crap through Chandler-Gilbert.  stupid.  I'm going to take micro and a humanities class and probably something else.  i want to take a Spanish class, but i don't want to take it online.  maybe next semester.  i only need like 13 more credits to get my associates degree. then I'm transferring to ASU to get a degree in Applied Biological Sciences/Secondary Education.  the cool thing is that i can get the whole degree done at the east campus out here in queen creek.  
Iman came over last night to try some dresses on the girls for her wedding.  they looked really cute.  i still cant believe someone agreed to marry her!  just kidding iman.  I'm really excited for her.  i still have to meet the guy though to give my approval.  
well jack just woke up from his nap and he's crying.  
  i know how everyone hates to read so much.  so just consider this my adult fiction post, and I'll have a children's literature post later with all the pics for those of you who need it.  

Monday, June 23, 2008

5 Months Old = New PJ'S!!!

Jack has pretty much outgrown all his PJ's, so i thought i should get him some new ones.  it was really hard to find the kind of one's i wanted.  i like the 2 piece ones, but they mostly start at the 12month size.  i did find some cool lizard ones.  
                                                                                        i cant believe that jack is already 5 months old!  the time has gone by really fast.  he has changed so much.  he rolls over now.  but only to his tummy.  he has a hard time trying to get back to his back.  he is getting pretty good at playing with toys.  he still isn't really interested in them though.  its like he can hold them, but doesn't really know what to do with them.  
The past couple days he's been kind of crabby.  and this morning he was coughing a little.  i think he might have a cold or something.  he doesn't have a fever though and he still wants to eat, so I'm not too worried.  maybe he's getting ready for a tooth!  
i got Shanna to go to vball with me on Friday.  i cant believe I'm so much better than her!  just kidding Shanna.  I'm glad she could get away for a little bit and have some time to herself.  its got to be so hard to have two little ones who take up all your time.  I'm going to go over there tomorrow to help her clean up her guest room.  and then she's going to come to my house another day to help me organize all my food storage.  Then I'm going to bury it and keep it hidden so people wont ask me for food when there is an emergency!  
So as you can see, i was trying a new format with my pics.  As I'm typing, I'm not sure if it's going to work out how i want it to.  but I'll just have to see when i post it.  
well I'm off to boot camp yet again.  its been going really well.  i can really tell a difference in how i feel, and in how my clothes fit.  And the best part of getting in shape, is that i plan to one day try out for the Olympic vball team.  


Thursday, June 12, 2008

I think I'm psychic

The other night i was having a dream that our power was about to go out and i had to hurry and pay the bill, and no one seemed to care in my house.  everyone was like "who cares Ashley, we don't need electricity."  then my dream moved into another dream, which i don't remember, but then, all of a sudden, the sound of our computer shutting down woke me in a start.  and then i realized that it seemed much darker than it should be.  do do do do, do do do do...i know, the twilight zone song was playing in my head too.  its surprising how much light things like radios and DVD players offer at night when nothing else is on.  instead of just going back to sleep,  i stumbled to the kitchen looking for a match to light a candle.  for some reason i get really scared when the lights go out.  my first reaction is that some burglar turned of our breakers so i wouldn't see him when he broke in and stole all my stuff and then killed me.  so I'm looking for a match and finally find my box of "strike anywhere" matches, which didn't seem to want to strike.  hmm, that doesn't make much sense.  oh, by the way, Alex had to be to work early and left at like 3 am so that is why i was extra nervous.  well then, while I'm uselessly striking a match that obviously was supposed to be recalled, the lights come back on!!  so then i just went back to bed again.  i just thought it was cool how i had that dream, and then it really happened!  no, i didn't forget to pay the bill, it was just a fluke.  
well a couple weeks ago i tried giving jack some cereal.  he seemed to like it, but then he didn't poop for like 4 days.  so I'm pretty sure his digestive tract isn't quite ready for it yet.  i think I'll wait some more.  it's just so fun to feed them food and then see the faces they make.  
Anny and Ellie started a dance class for the summer.  I'll take my camera sometime so i can get some pics.  Anny likes to show me the stuff she's learning and says she wants to be a ballerina teacher when she grows up.  she said she is going to have her classes be free, but that people can still just write her a check.